

Support Coordinator
About Me
What 3 traits best define you?


Often high energy once comfortable

Strong drive for justice

What are your interests/hobbies?

Games - been playing a little overwatch, want to start playing minecraft and stardew valley a little again once I have others on board to play with.

TV and YouTube - at the moment just finished stranger things, Obi Wan is on the list to keep watching next Anime although haven't kept up with newer stuff

Economics and events - I find it absolutely fascinating and took a hand full of university courses in it, amazing how fragile it all is.

Tech more broadly - Specific interest at the moment is 3D printing, haven't bought one yet but have been looking and when I can throw $1,000+ at the hobby I'll buy one. It would be amazing to be able to make a 3D CAD model of something cool or practical and print it physically. I also enjoy repair of tech but it requires quite a bit of outlay money wise also, I used to buy broken devices, repair them then on sell them I still have a lot of the equipment for it so would be nice to get into it again.

Thirst for random information - I often get curious why something is the way it is or what something is so I google it and tend to fall down a rabbit hole of researching that thing or things related to it, gotta love wikipedia and it's links to other random articles and information.

Who would you most like to swap places with for the day and why?

This is a difficult one do I have their knowledge, skills and memory? Fictional or non-fictional? Dead or alive? Maybe an astronaut, it would be really cool to just for a day be able to experience microgravity and the sights of orbiting around the entire earth every 90 minutes, seeing the aurora at the poles, lights below and storms as they roll through different areas of the planet. Although, it would be a real challenge if I didn't have their knowledge and then can't figure out how to use their fancy high tech space toilet and space food maker.


Do you have any talents and what are they?

I have an uncanny ability to throw out obscure knowledge on random topics while not always useful can sometimes prove interesting and really surprise others. Besides that I am generally pretty skilled in technical things and pick them up fairly quickly.


The best piece of advice I've been given or have given

I won't try to quote it directly due to the colourful language the book uses but Mark Manson's message of Life is too short to be stressing about the small and uncontrollable things all the time, you don't need a grand plan for all things, you don't need to always have everything figured out and control what you can control and accept what you can't and don't take yourself or life so seriously all the time and spend the energy on the important things.