
Australian Support Coordinator of the Year – 2019

What 3 traits best define you?
1. Ambitious
2. Charismatic
3. Creative

What are your hobbies/interests?

I enjoy riding Motorbikes, both on Road and off road, my family and I love going Camping as often as we can. I regularly build things from scratch and volunteer a lot of time to our local football club.

Who or what would you most like to swap places with for a day and why?

I would love to trade places with a Fighter Pilot – I would love an opportunity to feel the roar power of a Fighter Jet and fly it for a day.

Do you have any secret talents and what are they?

I do…. But they’re a secret.

The best piece of advice I’ve been given or have given is…

I think the best piece of advice I was ever given was from my Dad the day he suddenly passed away.

Dad effectively said “Don’t sweat the small stuff, everything is going to be ok”.
