
What 3 traits best define you?
1. Patient
2. Understanding
3. non-Judgemental

What are your hobbies/interests?

Travel, CookingCinema, Gardening, Fishing, Camping

Who or what would you most like to swap places with for a day and why?

I would love to swap places with a time traveller as there are moments in history that I would like to see.

Do you have any secret talents and what are they?

Being creative with ingredients in the pantry. It seems the fewer ingredients there are the more creative I can become.

I think this is a throwback to when I was studying and funds were very limited.

I also cut my own hair. The last time I had a professional cut was probably 4 years ago.

The best piece of advice I’ve been given or have given is…

My father taught me to be nice to everyone, even to those I don’t like.  It doesn’t take much to smile and say hello
