What 3 traits best define you?
1. Playful
2. Lazy
3. Loyal
What are your hobbies/interests?
I like to fetch sticks and balls but really I will fetch other things as well. I also like to eat….and when I say I like to eat, what I really mean is that I am greedy! I will eat anything
Who or what would you most like to swap places with for a day and why?
That cat that I see around the place. Wow, I thought I was lazy but this guy takes the cake. (cake. Did someone say cake?)
Do you have any secret talents and what are they?
Eating. oh and I am really good at making people happy. That’s my job!
The best piece of advice I’ve been given or have given is…
My mum told me “be kind to everyone and protect those you love”
She also told me to get a job you love.